The Quran-I Kerim - The Quran - Quran

Surat Name   The Overthrowing
Sort   81
Original   At Takwir
Revelated   In Mecca
Total Verses   29

  In The Name Of Allah The Entirely Merciful The Especially Merciful

81:1 When the sun is wrapped up [in darkness]

81:2 And when the stars fall, dispersing,

81:3 And when the mountains are removed

81:4 And when full-term she-camels are neglected

81:5 And when the wild beasts are gathered

81:6 And when the seas are filled with flame

81:7 And when the souls are paired

81:8 And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked

81:9 For what sin she was killed

81:10 And when the pages are made public

81:11 And when the sky is stripped away

81:12 And when Hellfire is set ablaze

81:13 And when Paradise is brought near,

81:14 A soul will [then] know what it has brought [with it].

81:15 So I swear by the retreating stars –

81:16 Those that run [their courses] and disappear –

81:17 And by the night as it closes in

81:18 And by the dawn when it breathes

81:19 [That] indeed, the Qur'an is a word [conveyed by] a noble messenger

81:20 [Who is] possessed of power and with the Owner of the Throne, secure [in position],

81:21 Obeyed there [in the heavens] and trustworthy.

81:22 And your companion is not [at all] mad.

81:23 And he has already seen Gabriel in the clear horizon.

81:24 And Muhammad is not a withholder of [knowledge of] the unseen.

81:25 And the Qur'an is not the word of a devil, expelled [from the heavens].

81:26 So where are you going?

81:27 It is not except a reminder to the worlds

81:28 For whoever wills among you to take a right course.

81:29 And you do not will except that Allah wills - Lord of the worlds.


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80 The Frowned

Original Name: Abasa

Revelated: In Mecca Total Verses: 42

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82 The Cleaving

Original Name: Al Infitar

Revelated: In Mecca Total Verses: 19

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