The Quran-I Kerim - The Quran - Quran

Prophets In The Quran

1 First Human and Prophet Adam Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

2  Sheth Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

3  Idris ( Enoch ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

4  Nuh ( Noah ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

5  Hud Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

6  Salih Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

7  Lut ( Lot ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

8  Ibrahim ( Abraham ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

9  Isma'il ( Ishmael ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

10  Ishaq ( Isaac ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

11  Ya'qub ( Jacob ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

12  Yusuf ( Joseph ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

13  Shuaib Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

14  Musa ( Moses ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

  The Tawrat ( Torah ) Revealed Moses Prophets (Pbuh)

15  Harun Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

16  Dawud ( David ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

  The Zabur Revealed Dawud ( David ) Prophet (Pbuh)

17  Sulayman ( Solomon ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

18  Ilyas Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

19  Al Yasa ( Elisha ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

20  'Aziz (Ubair or Ezra) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

21  Ayyub ( Job ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

22  Dhul-Kifl ( Ezekiel ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

23  Yunus ( Jonah ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

24  Zakariya Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

25  Yahya ( John the Baptist ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

26  Isa ( Jesus ) Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

  The Injil ( Gospel ) Revealed Isa ( Jesus ) Prophet (Pbuh)

27  Muahmmad Prophet Peace Be Upon Him

  The Quran Revealed Muhammad Prophet Peace Be Upon Him